The #1 Rated Internet Dating Course |
*Internet Dating Reviews
Have you ever wondered who could possibly be the most attractive, sexy and desirable lover you could ever be with?
Find your perfect love match
in the shortest time possible..
By Leonardo “The Companionator” Bustos

Let me ask you a few questions:

- Have you ever wondered what woman in the county, state - or even in the entire country could be the best, most attractive, sexy and desirable love match you could possibly be with?
- Do you often daydream about what it would be like to have a super hot girlfriend or even a throng of beautiful woman totally into you ... but instantly passing it off as “impossible”?
- Do you get nervous and uncomfortable just at the thought of talking to an attractive woman you’re interested in and wondering how you could make her attracted to you?

- Have you ever wondered why some not-so-attractive guys seem to charm other women as if by magic...while you rarely even get a quality woman to even look at you?
- Do you often find yourself going to places you don’t want to go, spending money you don’t want to spend, wasting time and energy trying to chase attractive, quality women with no results?
- Are you totally confused about the hundreds of dating sites and books and don't understand whom or what to trust?
If you want to experience life’s ultimate pleasure of being passionately in love with your best lover available, the following presentation you're about to experience contains the most compelling truths and reasons why you’ll need to prepare, package and present your best profile online and target it to the most desirable women available.
Who you choose to share your life with is
the most important decision you’ll ever make…
What If I Told You About A Place Where:

- Martin Garcia, Denver, Colorado![]()
"I'm staying real sexy!"
Thank you so much Leonardo - I can't tell you how much time and money I've wasted on singles bars and dinners to only wind up going home alone. I'm taking hot dates home now spending less than one fourth what I used to thanks to your advice. Oh yeah - I'm staying real sexy!
- You can find thousands of attractive, willing women actively searching for other single men just like you to have sex and/or a relationship with.
- These are for the most part, hot - educated - single women actually paying good money and investing time to meet other guys to have fun and be affectionate with.
- Here is a simulator to practice and hone your skills on in near anonymity without fear or rejection.
- You can see what the other women look like, what they do and who they are before you even contact them. These women are telling you all about themselves and what they’re looking for.
- You can go searching 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You don’t have to dress up, leave your house or even shower to contact them.
- You don’t need to spend much money to meet and talk to them (in most cases, only minimal membership fees) .
- You can communicate on your own time schedule – take 1 hour or 1 week to contact or respond to any messages they send you.
- You can meet thousands of very attractive, willing women without even having to approach them.
- You can discover for yourself what works and what doesn't – or even if there’s a connection because you are basically anonymous until you set up the time to meet.
- Michael Vaccio, Los Angeles, CA.![]()
"I sure wish I would have found this a lot earlier"
Dude - I sure wish I would have found this a lot earlier. I never thought these PUA programs ever worked. You proved me wrong! This stuff really works!

The Obvious Answer Is Internet Dating

It really is easy when you know how. It’s so fun and exciting once you get the hang of it – the problem then becomes getting addicted to it!
What do you think would be the quickest, easiest, most convenient, least expensive and least threatening way to meet hundreds of gorgeous, sexy women?
How great does the idea sound of clicking "browse" and looking at hundreds of Hot Women in minutes, then choosing the ones that catch your eye - like you were ordering straight out of a catalog?
Any time you want you are able to sit in front of your computer and start contacting all kinds of gorgeous women.
Imagine yourself going on date after date with countless attractive, hot females whenever you want all from the comfort of your computer.
Wouldn't That be Awesome if
That's the Way it Really Worked?
If you've already TRIED online dating then you know from experience that it's not like that at all.
You turn on your computer and login to an online dating site. You put up what you think is a great profile and a few of your best pictures and start emailing.
You spend your precious time sorting through all of the profiles searching for the women you're attracted to, sending email after email to the ones you like, only to get absolutely NO RESPONSE whatsoever.
AND, if you do get a response you exchange a couple of emails with a few women and they never seem to lead to a hot date. Then the interest seems to fade away rapidly before anything happens.
On the other side of the spectrum you'll probably get countless winks or emails from chicks that you would never be seen out in public with, let alone start dating.

- Victor Garcia, Long Beach, CA.![]()
I've learned how to send flirtatious messages and they quickly write back...
“I always felt like I was sending the same generic, “What’s up?” messages when I contacted women online. I also realized that I was asking, “Have you had any luck on here?” I see now that if they'd had any luck on these sites, they wouldn't still be looking. Duh! After taking this course, I've learned how to send flirtatious messages and they quickly write back... so now I only contact the hottest ones and I have to tell you, I can't believe how much my life has changed!” -----Vic
Why is Meeting Attractive
Women Online SO DIFFICULT?
It’s because nearly all of the stunning women are bombarded with countless messages from lame, needy, boring and predictable guys. Maybe you were one of them?
If you plan to meet and fall in love with your best love match available; you need to understand three IMPORTANT facts:
You have to bypass all of the clutter and stand out from all the rest.
You need to present your professionally enhanced profile on multiple sites so you have more options to choose from. Then you need to know how to select and connect with your best and most compatible love match.
In order to yield the best results, you need to use a system based on scientifically proven marketing techniques and irresistible attraction principles based on the psychology of human behavior.
You honestly do not need to be rich, famous
or good looking to be successful at this!
Don’t run with the pack of all the other guys that do the same thing over and over. You have to separate yourself from the rest. You have to do something different to get the attention of your dream girlfriend, because I have to tell you –
Being passionately in love truly is
This is WHY I have been driven for more years than you can imagine creating the most practical SYSTEM that will help you find your best love match available in the shortest time possible.
And you can do the majority of your groundwork without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home. You can do this while spending the least amount of time, effort and money possible. You can save your time, money and energy for when you finally connect with the highest quality women available.
I’m going to let you in on this information that I've kept to myself for quite a long time. I was once like many of you with no love life at all. Now my intention is not to boast here, but after many years of research and practicing - I've been one of the luckiest guys alive having shared the best and wildest times with some truly incredible women.
My real goal is to help you avoid the years of studying and mistakes I made so you can quickly become very successful when it comes to getting more dates and ultimately the prize woman you dream about.
Once you’re equipped with this information that I’m going to share with you, you’ll be able to know exactly how to prepare, package and present yourself to your best love match(es) available so you can connect with the highest quality women and start creating your own memorable reel of highlights that you'll always remember for the rest of your life.
And guess what?
If you don't implement what I am going to tell you, you’ll go back to creating awful profiles that get no responses, writing sucky emails and writing boring love letters like everyone else.
This course will take all the guesswork out of online dating and teach you exactly how to customize your own search for getting the most attractive quality women you want, not the mediocre bunch. I'm talking about the 8's, 9's and 10's.
First of all, let me be absolutely clear to you:
- This isn't a bunch of awful pick up lines
- This isn't a way to show off being someone you’re not.
- This isn't about spending money trying to impress someone,
- This isn't a collection of tired clichés.
This is a totally new and revolutionary way to get way more dates than you've ever had before, and you'll also learn how to capitalize on every date you go on. Implement everything this course instructs and you’ll be there in no time.
Caution! Choosing the wrong woman can ruin your life. That’s why it’s so important to thoroughly qualify them before getting too involved.
Here are the top 10 tips for successful internet dating |

“If you don’t learn how to attract women – you’re officially sterile. That means all the work your ancestors did and your family tree ends with you…”
The Pickup Artist
- John Cerrone![]()
" I found that I was doing it all wrong"
“After watching the videos and taking notes on ‘Meet A Mate Online,’ I found that I was doing it all wrong. I want a confident, smart and beautiful woman and after taking the course, I realized how many stupid mistakes I was making. No wonder I hardly got any responses. I updated my profile according to the formula, I started sending better messages, and I can't tell you what a difference it made. I now have 3 very attractive women vying for my attention." Thank you Leonardo!
“It’s not lying, it’s flirting.”
Neil Strauss
The Game

“Women love us and will share their body with us because of how we make them feel...”
David Wygant
Expert Dating Coach
- Nate Greenberg, Seattle, Wa.![]()
"I've been on several dates since and one has turned into a relationship.”
“After one failed marriage, I was so reluctant to jump back on the dating scene and thought online dating wasn't really my style, but I gave it a whirl.
When I wanted to create a dynamic profile that spoke to women that I was really looking for, I used your course. I also used it to help me send messages that seemed to help me stand out beyond the others! I've been on several dates since and one has turned into a relationship.”
“You’re really attractive and cool, but I’m not quite sure if you’re my type.”
Jason Capital
America’s Honest Coach
Setup your online dating campaign.
If you're going to market yourself on multiple sites - or even if you're going to be on one and you're expecting lots of emails - you'll need to keep them organized.
- Create an e-mail address to be used exclusively for dating to keep all of your dates and potential lovers neatly organized
- Create a catchy username for your e-mail address so you can make an immediate great first impression
Your main photo is 80% of your profile.
If you don’t get this right, you’ll almost assuredly fail. You’ll need to take the type of photographs for your profile based on painstaking data and research from the top internet dating sites.
- Practice poses and smiles in the mirror
- Include important props in the background
- Take quality pictures
- Shoot a short video and just capture the best screenshots for your best results so you can easily have hundreds of shots to choose from.
Creating captions under the photos.
One of the most overlooked features of a dating profile is the caption under the photo
- Google your favorite comedians or authors to find relevant quotes
- Use famous quotes from movies
- You want to create captions that invite responses and will get women to write to you
Create a compelling and remarkable headline.
The second most important part of your profile is your headline.
- This is your first opportunity to make a great first impression
- Without a good headline, the chances are you’re going to lose a lot of clicks on your profile –
- The more clicks you get, the more opportunities you’ll have to draw women to you, and the more women you’ll have to select from.
Create a magnetic and powerful biography.
You know how they create movie trailers so you’ll be intrigued and highly inclined to watch that movie?
- Create your own compelling, mysterious personal bio that’s just like a movie trailer. Make one that is sure to invite inquiries and invitations – so just like in the movie trailers, they will want to know more about you.
- Make a list of your greatest achievements, your most humorous and embarrassing moments, what your future aspirations are, and use them in your profile.
- Use a "call to action" at the end of your profile so they'll write you. "Ask me about the time I....." or "If you think I'm your type, write me, I don't bite."
Carefully choose your internet dating sites.
There are over 10,000 dating websites and counting. Choose the ones that give you the most "bang" for your buck.
- Google "Internet Dating sites reviews" and look for ones that statistically match with what you're looking for.
- I have a website designed to help perform custom searches for the best dating sites to find the ones that are going to have the most types of singles you're suited and looking for.
- This helps to save you time and money and makes your search much more efficient.
Avoid internet dating scams and daters who misrepresent themselves.
Even the best dating websites have scammers - and it's nearly impossible to completely eliminate them.
- Be very wary of "too good to be true" approaches - they are out there so proceed with caution.
- Be careful if asked to go offsite with e-mails - not always, but sometimes that's a classical sign of scamming.
- Always schedule a phone call or better yet a video chat before investing too much time and energy on a potential date.
Here's how to send and respond to e-mails and messages from people you’re interested in.
We are programmed to complete thoughts and sentences.
- Start your messages in the subject line with "By the way..." or "Did you know..." This will get them to open your message.
- Keep your first messages short and sweet. No more than one to two short paragraphs to begin with, then reveal more as you know them better.
Plan a successful first encounter
Your first encounter sets the tone for the progress of your relationship
- Choose your first encounter in a place that's suitable for conversation, or a place that provides lots of visual stimulation for conversation.
- Choose a location with dim lighting and/or soft sexy music. Dim lighting enhances your features and enlarges your pupils - which is an irresistible sign of attraction.
Make an amazing, unforgettable first impression
Your first impression is so critical because everything you do after either enhances or detracts from your desirability.
- Practice your body language and smile in the mirror prior to your encounter.
- Have prepared a few interesting or humorous stories you'll be ready to share, then set them up to segue into them
- Use the triangle eye contact technique - look at their left eye, linger to their right eye - then down to their lips - then repeat. Linger as long as necessary.
- You have two ears and one mouth - listen twice as much as you talk and say their name often.
If you would like to get more detailed |
You should checkout the #1 ranked online dating course on the net ...

Meet A Mate Online Videos
There are 10 HD quality videos showing over 2 hours of step by step lessons that you can start viewing the minute you order the system. The course is designed to stop and start the videos as they take you through each lesson.

Meet A Mate Online E-book
This comprehensive e-book on internet dating is the basis for this course. It includes sources for the research and links to other internet dating tools. You can read it online, or download and print it.

Meet A Mate Online Audios
All 10 lessons have been formatted for live streaming or an easy digital download so you can can listen to the lessons while working out, driving, and even directly from the computer while you take notes in the workbook.

Meet A Mate Online Workbook
This workbook highlights the most important parts of the program so you can take notes and remember the most important parts, causing much better learning retention.
This live course normally sells for $1,497
By popular demand - I've recorded it and put it online
And For A Limited Time - I'M OFFERING A HUGE 90% DISCOUNT
In addition to this hottest internet dating program on the net, you'll receive...
Mate Attraction Program Software for Dating
Click for a brief demonstration. I originally developed this exclusive dating software program for clients who invested in my top coaching packages. I’m including it for FREE with your investment in this program. It requires Microsoft Excel to operate. The online version will be available shortly.
Valued at over $750
How To Attract Women With Humor
One of my best selling and most popular books on Amazon. Writing this book was truly a labor of love and it’s full of hilarious and true stories that will help you to meet practically any woman, any time and anywhere – then engage her in a humorous and fun conversation. It includes steps to take the conversation to a deeper and more personal level so you can escalate the physical attraction.
It’s based on the science of Evolutionary Psychology and the best advice of some of the most famous dating experts in the business. This entertaining book includes my patented, non-threatening and very simple approach that has never failed me in over 500 encounters with women I’ve wanted to meet and get to know better.
Valued at $10

Who you choose to share your life with is probably the most important decision you'll ever make...
One Hour Coaching Call
Included in your investment is a One Hour consultation with one of my team members.
You may use this free consultation at anytime during the first 90 days. It’s recommended that you wait a few weeks to a month to have your session to save any questions you may have with the program or any other dating challenges you’ll probably encounter. You can use the whole hour, or break it down into two half hour sessions. If I'm free, I promise to personally take your call.
Valued at $150

How much time and money have you spent buying drinks and dating less than desirable women?
How much money have you wasted chasing women and still you come home alone?
If you're not totally committed to meeting only the highest quality women, then this program isn't for you. I'm honestly advising you not to waste your time or money.
However if you desire to meet and fall in love with your best lover available and you're willing to follow some simple steps, then you’ve got nothing to lose.
I’ve opened up 25 One hour sessions on my calendar to give you my personal one-on-one attention – that’s right – with yours truly – The Companionator – to mentor you and give you the best advice I have to help you find your perfect love match. So grab the best spots quickly before they go.
If you’re too late this time – (time permitting), because I really love what I do, I will open up more FREE sessions and notify you via e-mail when that happens so you can grab an open slot before they are all taken.
This is an extra $300 Value!
Order now for immediate access to |

100% Guaranteed
You have 60 days to check it out
Risk Free!
And if you’re not having more dates and fun with more quality women than you’ve ever had, go ahead and return it for a no questions asked refund. All I ask is that you commit to following the simple directions because it will work.

- Malcolm Johnson, Austin, Texas![]()
"The best dating advice I've ever had...”

Here are 4 irrefutable facts about dating:
It’s a numbers game.
The more efficient and effectively you can market yourself, the more potential dates you’ll have to start practicing VERY SIMPLE BUT HIGHLY EFFECTIVE dating skills that I teach.
More Candidates Equal Better Selection
The more women you have to choose from, the higher quality of women you can select from. This means the faster you'll meet the “best one” (or however many you can handle).
Your Higher Dating Value Equals More Opportunities
The more you can increase your dating value, the more options you'll have. This course helps you to greatly increase your DF (Desirability Factor) by teaching you some basic body language and conversation skills that you can easily learn and master.
Better Packaging and Enhanced Exposure Equals Better and More Results
The better you can create your online image and the more websites you market yourself on, the more results you will experience!